Invest in yourself as much as you can, as you are your own biggest asset.

Warren Buffett - the world's most successful investor

Money Coaches in Canada

Financial Coaching for Individuals & Couples

Everyone can benefit from financial coaching. Whether you are just starting out or are more established in your life, we all need financial security to achieve big life goals.  From buying a home, starting a family, to building wealth for your future retirement, knowing the best course of action is invaluable.

Fin$mart will also help you prepare for, and get through, challenging times such as job loss, divorce, or getting out of debt.

Our holistic and highly personalized coaching program – The Fin$mart Formula – will help you get on the path to financial independence in less than 90 days. Guaranteed. 
The program, which includes 6 months of on-demand support, is $1,500 for individuals and $2,000 for couples.
Set up a complimentary clarity call to learn more at


Master your Money with the Fin$mart System

Learning how to manage money is just as important as learning how to make money.  And in our cashless, card-tapping society, it is impossible to do mental accounting!

We must all have a money management system in order to achieve our personal and financial goals with empowerment, not stress. Wealthy people keep budgets.

Learn how to master your money with the Fin$mart system. Rooted in your cash-flow, financial needs and priorities, this system is a game-changer.

It will allow you to get out of the paycheck to paycheck cycle and help secure your financial future. Guaranteed.

$550 with 3 months on-demand support. Group rate available!

Powerful Fin$mart Presentations

Tanya is a passionate public speaker and strong advocate for financial wellness. Accredited by Toastmaster’s, Tanya will deliver a powerful Fin$mart presentation guaranteed to enlighten, energize, and empower any audience, from young adults to mature woman or employees in the workplace.

Tanya can deliver a current or custom presentation to meet your needs from under 30 minutes to 1 hour or a half-day workshop.

Current presentation titles include:

  • The Two Most Important Numbers in Personal Finance
  • Don’t Save Money…Build Wealth
  • Financial Smarts for Women
  • Investing made Simple
  • Maximize Tax Advantaged Accounts: TFSA vs RRSP
  • Discover your Genius Zone
    and Launch your Encore Career

Financial Wellness in the Workplace

Financial stress is the biggest stressor in employee’s lives and can seriously impact productivity, performance, health, morale and your bottom line.

As a primary source of income, employers have a vital role to play in supporting the financial health of their employees.

Many employers already recognize the advantages of providing retirement savings plans, health and wellness programs, and other benefits. A financial wellness program is a natural extension of these existing benefits.

Supporting the financial health of your employees can be more beneficial than a raise.  It can also enhance your company’s value proposition as a good employer.

View our Fin$mart Financial Wellness brochure and book a complimentary consultation at

Ready to take control of your money? Ready to get Fin$mart?!

Simply complete our Client Profile & Needs Assessment form as a first step on your Fin$mart journey
and to provide valuable insights for our Clarity Call.